Employee Leave of Absence
Our objective is to help business clients limit liability and cost related to workplace and employment issues.
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Employee Leave of Absence (pregnancy, paternal, personal emergency leave)
Difficult times, exciting times, or both combined can occur for many in their personal lives. Terminating an employee due to any of these reasons is illegal and a form of discrimination. Parental leave and many other grounds are protected under the Employment Standards Act.
Buttar Law can help you review your contract with our experience in reviewing countless varied contracts. Ultimately, our goal is to help you enter a contract knowing your full legal rights, or improved employment contract, or knowing enough to reject a problematic one with your best interest at heart. Additionally, we can help you write up employment contracts for future employees in your business.
Contact us for more information on our employment law and workplace-related matters!
Yusuf is a client-centred employment and human rights lawyer who particularly enjoys working with clients to help resolve challenging disputes.
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